Upcoming Events and Dates
F 10/11 - 6th - 7th Grade Picture Day
M 10/14 - NO SCHOOL - Columbus / Indigenous Peoples' Day
T 10/15 - October Public Safety (5pm) & PTA General In-person Meeting (6pm)
F 10/18 - SHSAT Registration Closes
SU 10/20 - Annual Breast Cancer Walk Jones Beach 9am
W 10/30 - SHSAT In-School Exam
TH 10/31 - 6th & 7th Grade Halloween Celebration (students only)
F 11/1 - NO SCHOOL - Diwali
T 11/5 - NO SCHOOL - Election Day
M 11/11 - NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day
T 11/19 - November PTA Meeting 6pm
UFT Dial a Teacher is up & running for the school year. K-12 students and their parents or caregivers are invited to call 212-777-3380 or visit the Dial-A-Teacher website.
Mondays through Thursdays between 4 and 7 p.m. to get free homework help from a licensed teacher.
Many of the teachers are bilingual, so Dial-A-Teacher can assist students and families in 10 languages, including Armenian, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, Haitian-Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Tagalog.
us on
You will be asked your CHILD's Name and Homeroom to be admitted into the group. We strive to maintain a safe and private space for us to work together to make our school even greater then it already is, by participating.
Keep up to date with happenings in our school.
Find us on
@JHS 194